samedi, juin 30, 2007

Hottentot Venus of Hip Hop

Hottentot = Black woman on display for titillation and profit- preferably both since they synergize each other so well. I guess in another hundred years, or maybe two, Black women will still be marketed (see this fat ass- she's got to be licentious!) and sold (see these strong arms, she can do wonder with cotton and tobacco, cook, clean fuck you and raise your kids AND those bought off other plantation/project) for somebody else's profit. Why don't we just go back to slavery, then, so at least a nigga knew were he stood! Now, these folks is confused- thinking it's a different day cos they pockets are a bit fat. For a minute. ANd when that cash has all been blown, on bitches, booze and toys, which Black sister will he be able to turn to for support? Which Hottentot is gonna raise his kids- either in matrimony of servitude, and the past few centuries have seen various mixes of both.

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